This month, we caught up with Debbie McBratney, one of our senior helpdesk operatives within our Landscaping arm. We gave her 20 questions and an hour to have a think and revert back to us with her answers.

Each month we will be putting these or a similar set of questions to another member of the IPM team, giving you a little more insight into the people that make up IPM.
How long have you been working with IPM?
9 Months
What do you do at IPM?
Senior Landscape Helpdesk Co-ordinator
Describe yourself in one word?
Any pets?
Favourite film?
Top Gun
Which actor plays you in your biopic?
Jody Foster
Biggest phobia?
Spider (my uncle got bitten by one then died)
If you were an animal, what would you be?
What do you like most about your job?
Working for a great team
You can go back in time, where do you go first?
I wouldn’t
Any superstitions?
What is the strangest fact you know?
The heart of a shrimp is located in its head
3 Dinner Party guests (dead ,alive, or fictional)?
Steffi Graf / Charlize Theron / Lewis Hamilton
Favourite movie quote?
Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn
Last book you read?
The girl on the train
Dream holiday?
Something about you that none of your colleagues know?
Been on tv several times on the show big brother, little brother (the before show)
You have one superpower, what and why?
Invisibility – I can get up to mischief
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Finally, you Desert Island disc, book and luxury item?
Take That album / Men are from Mars and women are from Venus / Hammock