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Gender Pay Gap
IPM continue to focus on improving the representation of women, and all under-represented groups, across all organisational levels within the company.
We are very proud of the fact that there is a very close parity across the board on salary, and has a much higher than industry average representation.

We Value All Employees
We Celebrate Diversity
According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) only 17% of the UK's workforce in the landscaping sector are made up of women.
With the vast majority of that in a management role or higher.
Within construction, this drops to just 11% where again, the majority is in a management role or higher.
IPM is pleased in being able to say that 21% of our workforce is female, with 21.05% in Management roles or higher.
Our efforts over the past 12 months continue to centre around four key pledges.
These form part of our long-term, sustainable approach focused on improving the representation of women, and all under-represented groups, across all organisational levels.
They are as follows:
Our Key Pledges
IPM Workforce
Overall Wage Gap
Senior Management Wage Gap
Middle Management Wage Gap
Support Staff Wage Gap
Grounds Staff Wage Gap
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