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  • sophieholmes92

Charity Easter Drive 2023

As part of our Easter charity drive for 2023, IPM's staff have generously donated a range of Easter gifts for the children at The Rainbow Centre.

We were advised that not all children at the centre would be able to have chocolate, so our team gathered an array of Easter-themed items such as soft toys, bubbles, colouring activities and Easter bonnets. This ensured that every child was included in the festivities and did not miss out on the fun!

The team at The Rainbow Center were very appreciative of IPM's effort:

''Thanks again for your generous donation of all of the Easter goodies; it is greatly appreciated by us all and the children will really enjoy tucking into the chocolate and playing with the cute toys!''

This is our first drive and just one small part of what IPM is doing to support our Charity of the year. If you would like to find out more information about our new charity, please visit:

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